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What are some statistics on children of divorce?

On Behalf of | May 24, 2023 | Divorce

Many married couples in Michigan end up getting divorced. Some of them have children, and studies have found that the shift in the family dynamic can affect the kids in surprising ways.

Single parents

After a divorce, some children stop having a relationship with their father. Around 21% of divorces see fathers move permanently out of the picture as children are left to be raised by their mothers alone.

Behavioral problems

Children whose parents get a divorce when they are between the ages of 7 and 14 are more likely to develop behavioral problems. However, this is more likely to happen when the parents have a pattern of arguing prior to the divorce. In that situation, the parents are often preoccupied and may show less affection to their kids, which serves as a breeding ground for such issues. Children of divorced parents are also nearly twice as likely to engage in risky sexual behavior.

Difficulty fitting in

Kids whose parents divorce are more likely to have trouble fitting in with their peers. They may withdraw because of unhappiness with their situation at home and take out their frustrations on other children. This can lead to unintended alienation and make things even more difficult for them in social situations.

Problems at school

Children who come from single-parent families are more likely to have trouble at school. Their academic performance can decline even when they study because the child may have trouble focusing on their studies as the divorce and their home situation weigh heavily on their minds. Teens who see their parents get a divorce are also less likely to finish high school and college.

Parents can help their children through a divorce by being there. Listening to your child and being sensitive might help them cope.
